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Showing posts from December, 2020

House partially Destroyed in the night....

  Management of Welshtown Haven are reporting the partial destruction of property during the night of December 21'st. It is suspected this may have occurred during a gathering that may or may not have taken place in compliance with COVID-19 Restrictions. Management does not admit to any sanctioned gathering that may have been in breach of COVID-19 guidelines and in turn accepts no liability of such gathering that may or may not have taken place. It is reported by management that prior to the night of December 21st, this house as seen in the picture above was in good repair and functioning as per architectural design. Any individuals having any knowledge of this vandalization or other such destructive actions upon this property, please contact Management. Management is happy to report that our primary property is (as per last report), functioning as designed and happily hosting a guest. To our current guest, our host community and those who follow us, please have a COVID-19 complian...