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Showing posts from April, 2020

Puttering around, supporting the community.

Small Wood Pile Our news sources, Facebook pages, Local News Releases and others that are from South Shore Nova Scotia always provided me with information of something fun going on, of one sort or another. Of late, due to unforeseen circumstances, all the streams have dried up. We'll strive to do better in weeks to come regarding South Shore and what is going on; however, the best we've got this week is the start of a little wood pile in the backyard. Last summer, a couple trees came down and some cleanup of debris took place. Some of the tree trunks and branches were put to one side with the hope of it drying over the next year or two. Our anticipation is that the Tourism Season for 2020 will be very limited. Welshtown Haven has obtained the "Fixed Roof Accommodation" for the year; however, it's just a registry entry and free of charge by the Nova Scotia Government. Apparently, they anticipate a slow year as well and are gifting the year to accommodatio...

Making the best of a time and place.

2020/04/20 Bear Point , looking West toward the sunset. Have you ever had the opportunity.... no... no... Have you ever wished for the opportunity to throw your hands up to the meat grind of life, turn you back on it all and refocus on family? I'd guess most everyone of late has had the opportunity to turn your back on that meat grind due to current circumstances and that is why I've corrected myself on the question above. Do YOU remember those times when you proverbially (or literally) threw your hands up in frustration due to the realization of the stupidity of life, wishing that you could refocus on Family? For many this mental line is not crossed on ones own accord. COVID-19 has forced many of us into this unlikely construct, regardless of current personal situation. You'd be surprised to know that many prior to you have turned their proverbial backs on the meat grind. Leaving that 9 to 5 job, dropping off that company sponsored electronic device for the last t...

Respect the Entrepreneurs who build for the Future

Mr. Fish I'll be honest, writing these BLOG's are not easy. Coming up with a new idea every week is difficult. We have limited "Source Material". The two pictures for this week were taken in Mr. Fish, late August 2019. We had not visited the place for over a year. We'd known that ownership had changed hands; however, the prior owner stayed around to work the kitchen (Good move, excellent food!). When we entered the renovated property we were shocked. The new owners had poured a good bit of money into revitalizing that little shack! Mr. Fish is not the only place in town (Town of Shelburne); however, sadly, it is the only place we've got current pictures of. Yes, prior to taking these, we'd asked permission of the owner and had received a nod of approval. To be respectful, it would be best to recognize all of the independent Restaurants in town who have plowed money into their establishments. Sorry, we do not possess the photos and additional inform...

McNutts Island - A days adventure for the family.

WWII Gun Emplacement to defend Shelburne Harbour An afternoon's adventure on McNutts Island is the thing to do if you can obtain passage to this isolated place. McNutts Island is one of the key features that makes Shelburne Harbour one of the worlds greatest natural harbours. The island is situated at the mouth of the bay and forms a huge breakwater. At it's most outward point is the McNutts Island's Lighthouse, now abandoned. The photos in the McNutts Island Album were taken for the most part in 2013. Google albums A.I. did manage to piece together a couple pictures taken in series to form more panoramic. The top of this blog being one of them. We have also created a quick little watch list of McNutts Island YouTube's . Not our YouTubes; however, each provide a perspective. Over the years the Island has had varying levels of occupation. Yes, during WWII, the Island was used as a strategic asset. Over the years, a number of people have built homes and cottages...