Shelburne Harbor, 2012 Tall Ships visited. Check out the Album here Blog for the week is directed towards the tourism industry for Nova Scotia and most specifically South Shore. Last weekend, the Toronto Boat Show occurred and Welshtown Haven had the opportunity to look around as spectators. The event was to draw boat enthusiasts from around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Friday evening ended up being a good time to attend in that few were walking the floor. It was Friday Evening and heavy rain. I'd guess, the bulk of boaters would show up with families over the weekend. For the most part, boats were being displayed. Big ones and Little ones and a lot in between. Other then boats a range of other vendors / tables were set up to coax visitors to sign up or buy a secondary product. The most odd was mesh for ones eaves troughs. Some of the more obvious were the local (to GTA) marina and sailing school's. While speaking with these secondary service providers, we'd ...
We are an All Season Weekly Rental Vacation House, located in South Shore Nava Scotia. We are active on Facebook, Air BNB and Trip Advisor