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Mobile Kitchen Chest - Travel Light!

Mobile Kitchen Chest Contents
Traveling without stopping at restaurants can save your pocket book; as well as, your health these days.

A couple weeks ago our Weekly BLOG spoke about our Facebook Page and how we've created a "Discussion" holding COVID-19 information. The discussion is still accessible and now has some 30 comments. The latest entry talks about how this virus is mutating and that they have tracked some 8 strains. Who knows what will be discovered by next week's BLOG?

We are holding off posting much on Facebook given the current health climate. Overly promoting "Travel", "Tourism" and going to Cottage country is not the most politically correct thing to do.

So, what was our Weekly BLOG about last week? It talked about the prospects for Tourism Season this upcoming summer of 2020. I believe we were on the correct track regarding booking an entire summer, not just a 2 week vacation. Rules on Quarantine are very important leading to the first 2 weeks actually being cooped up wherever you go. Stands to reason why it would be best to book something for an extended time.

Interestingly enough, soon after last weeks BLOG, a number of News Articles were published that requested people owning Summer Homes or Cottages to stay away. Rural Communities are not equipped. The chance of an urban family being contagious, venturing into a rural community and spreading the virus is real. A number of these articles are posted as comments in Facebook under last weeks BLOG entry.

This weeks BLOG..... Are we being insensitive to today's problems? No, we think not; however, how and when the information is used is left to the reader. You, take full responsibility for YOUR ACTIONS!

So, what is a Mobile Kitchen? It's a little box that is ergonomically designed to accommodate the immediate needs of a family traveling or camping. It's the dishes, utensils, Knives, cooking cups and STUFF! The Google album (top of this paragraph) gives you an idea of just how much can fit into one of these boxes. The album also has a couple photos of the wife and kid back in 2012, Walton Nova Scotia. We'd made a wrong turn and ended up at the proverbial end of the road. A small turn circle, light house and some picnic tables, over looking a spectacular view. An ideal spot for Pancakes and Coffee!

Of late when traveling the Mobile Kitchen is not taken. Our future plans? When things have settled down and we're sure we are not contagious yes, we'll be back on the road again. It is my thought though that, that Mobile Kitchen will be restocked with some Rice, Flour, Sugar and a few other things. We'll take the Cooler, Coleman Stove, A can of Naphtha, a Cleaning Tub and some other stuff with us.

It only takes a few minutes to pull the Mobile Kitchen, Stove and Cooler out, get it all up and running. In no time flat, hot food is on the table, the family is happily bonding. No distractions with menus. We'll eat what's available, pre-planned.

Now, to get to this quick use of a Mobile Kitchen was not easy. First, you need the Mobile Kitchen. 2nd, you'll need some practice runs. Years ago, we did day runs to Northern Ontario, Cottage Country. Our child was young and the focus was on an open area to run in. We knew the small towns by where the parks were and which ones had picnic tables and washroom facilities.

Once things calm down, getting yourself a Mobile Kitchen is something to think about. As a day trip to some destination it is a fantastic way to travel. Only paying for the Gas to fill your automobile is a cheap way to get out and see the countryside around you. If things settle down and it is "Safe" to travel but you don't wish to be entering highly public areas like Restaurants, this is the way to do it.

Please, while this "Mobile Kitchen" is a tool for travel, be very careful. Understand our health system is and will be under tremendous stress over an extended period of time. If you do not need to travel, do not. Listen to the local governments. Know where you are going if you do travel and what the destination community has for rules. Don't spread this virus!    


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