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Shelburne Ship Repair, Not just a Tourist Town!

George Street Shipyard Society 2018-09-16
From humble beginnings the Town of Shelburne has evolved into a quaint little tourism town for vacationers. The picture above was taken in the fall of 2018 when I was granted a little tour of the building on George St., right by the Yacht Club. I was told a story about early Shelburne being much like other coastal towns having shipyards up and down "Dock St." (Every Town had a Dock St.!). Most of that past is gone form the East Coast of Canada; as well, most of this history has also been removed from this little town. The Dory Shop remains as well as the George Street Shipyard. The George St. Shipyard should be open this summer for some engagements according to Bob Sinden. He is the current President of the society managing the building. Might be worth tracking this guy down to get the current scoop on what's happening, if you are in town. You never know just how lucky you'll get with your inquiries! Yes, when in small towns, that's what you do.... you literally try and track people down. You may never find the person you're looking for but the adventure that will unfold will be a distinct part of your vacation memories. :-)

Shelburne Ship Repair 2017 provides a current look at the  Irving Ship Building Facilities. These facilities were Upgraded back in 2011, putting it back on the map as a place to get repair work done. The shipyard now employees a number of residence of the town and municipality, providing much needed economic stimulus.

So, what makes all this stuff about boats and ship repair worth writing about this week? Well, it's an issue of recognizing a significant event. The Irving Ship Building Facilities has just landed a A Big Contract!

Congratulations to the team working at the Irving Ship Building Facilities in Shelburne Nova Scotia! May your days be long and Paycheques fat. Play / Work safely fixing that boat! 


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