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COVID-19 Takeout - Part 2 - Shelburne....

Apparently, some establishments were missed last week and soon after publishing our weekly blog it was brought to our attention.

A week has gone by and we've been able to review last weeks blog. So far, so good! We've only been using "Blogger" (this site) for a while now and we've limited stats on viewership for the old blogs we'd done in Facebook (check the public group "Welshtown Haven - Why", it is where the older ones were stored). Last week's blog has now accumulated the second highest traffic, passing an earlier blog on Allen Reid's YouTube videos but not as many as a more recent blog we'd done on Respecting The Entrepreneur, where we're asking people to focus on those smaller business.

So, in a nutshell, it looks like people are interested in who's providing Takeout services in the Shelburne area. Our goal this week is to add to the list; however, we'll most likely not get 100%.

We've received some input from establishments and others, thanks! Your guidance is appreciated. We at Welshtown Haven Inc. are not getting paid for these blogs, we're doing it to build an awareness of what's available for the locals; as well as, any travellers who venture out this summer and happen to be passing through South Shore Nova Scotia.

If you are a traveller, passing by please take the time to stop into town and utilize whatever services and establishments are open. Please observe the current "Social Distancing". Shelburne, Town and Municipality, is a small local community. Most all know one another, for better or worse. The community is helpful and kind to travellers. Our goal with these blogs is to raise awareness of the local area. Welshtown Haven feels confident in promoting the community and have every faith that your stop in town will be a positive one. In reading these "Takeout" blogs, you'll have a heads up on where to go to fill your tummy.

Boxing Rock Taproom looks to have "Re-Opened" to provide Contact-less Pickup. Yes, we know, Boxing Rock was the first on the list last week but our focus was on BEER! This time, it's on food. I'm not sure on just how active they are with the Takeout aspect but if you follow their Facebook posts, you'll figure it out. 

Call Ahead
902-875-2282 218

Water Street,

The Beandock Coffee & Collectibles looks to also be opening its doors and providing Takeout. We've eaten their many a time munching on some treats and sipping a coffee, while walking down Dock St.! Good to see they are opening up. Again, checking out their Facebook page will probably provide the most up to date activity on what they are providing and when.

10 John Street
Call (902) 875-1302

Ships Gallery near the main cross roads within the little town of Shelburn provides some nice PUB Grub! Transitioning from PUB Grub to Takeout one would think is an easy leap. We've been following what's been happening in town for the last few months and knew they were closed so, did not add them last week. Shortly after posting our blog we received our first "Notification". Ships Gallery plan on opening up for Takeout! Hot off the press..... "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will be doing takeout from 3:30 - 7:30". Check their Facebook page for the most up to date information.

156 Water Street
Call (902) 875-3260

Shelburne Cafe, according to a 6 day old Facebook post, they are up and running Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Phone in ahead of time and they'll do a Credit Card Transaction for you or provide exact change. This is a small little Cafe run by some awesome people.

151 Water Street
Call (902) 875-8627 

Moe's Shake Shack "Be sure to stop by and try our new Salted Caramel Soft Serve. It's Lactose Free And Gluten Free !! It's Delicious", Oh, this hits a home run for so many people! Ya, you guessed it... Icecream! They opened the Takeout doors back May 17 but up front only served the Icecream. If any local could give an update that would be good? Is it still just that Icecream?

138 King Street
No Phone number to be found.

SASI Works "We sure have missed the smell of fresh baked brown bread & cinnamon rolls!! Available today by calling ", need we say more? Another place we've got first hand knowledge of. Yes, they bake a good loaf of bread! May 25th to 29th Curbside Pick-Ups. Limited quantities, be sure to get your order in early!! Pick up between 1pm and 3pm.

71 King Street
Call (902) 875-2455

Nova Scotia Rollies and Catering Company, we have to confess as to not had the opportunity to try their food. Our property manager handles day to day stuff while we sit out of province 11 months of the year. Given the opportunity to try these guys, would we? YEP! Why did it make our list? Well, they came highly recommended by someone we know in town. Trying to dig up some info on them, we found them promoting the other establishments in town more then themselves! What I've heard about them, what we've seen.... Ya, they are on the list next time we are in town! Oh, and they are doing Takeout!

149 Water street
Call (902) 265-2090

A 1 Pizza we missed last week but we did end well with the Chinese Food Restaurant. This week, the town's Pizza Joint! Yes, A 1 Pizza serves Pizza to young and old. Yes, we've ordered from there and yes, they are make good pizza!  

31 King St
Call (902) 875-1222


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