A big "IF" on whether tourism season is going to happen or not for Summer 2020! Latest in, the US of A and Canada are going to keep their Boarder Closed until June 21.
Bloomberg News Agency also released an article where over 100 Million in China's Northeast are thrown into Lockdown. Is this the dreaded 2nd wave?
Ok, that's the doom and gloom for the week and a bit of a heads up on current affairs. Now, what has our local town done to make life easy for residence?
A number of Restaurants have remained open, providing Take Out services for locals. If by chance this summer some were to manage to vacation in South Shore and needed a quick meal, this is a quick list of who's available to call.

Contact Details:
218 Water Street
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
Call (902) 494-9233
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Call (902) 494-9233
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Contact Details:
13 Charlotte Lane
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
Call (902) 875-3314

Contact Details:
64 King St.
Shelburne, Nova
Phone (902) 875-2876
Website http://shelburnenovascotia.com/
Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat - Sun: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Recent promotional.... they know how to hustle!
>>Mr.Fish open until 4:00 for cooked lobsters 🦞
$8:00 pound ...live lobsters $7:00 pound
Call ahead please! 902 -875 -3474<<
Contact Details:104 King Street
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
Call (902) 875-3474

Contact Details:165 Water St.
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
Phone (902) 875-1300
Fingers crossed, South Shore Nova Scotia will have some vacationers finding refuge this summer within its community. For them, the above list is not complete but it is demonstrating that Shelburne is open for business within the context of the current issues.
Please be safe with what you do and how you do it. Moving forward, is a learning experience for us all. You (the reader) are responsible to keep abreast of the current state of affairs.
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