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Digital Footprint - Trip Advisor & Air BNB

Trip Advisor
Modern Technology, Web based technology has evolved allowing the tracking of location and device. Yes, nothing new to those accustom to today's technologies; however, invasive for those older who are trying to keep up with today's world.

2019, our management group had left head office to perform an on site inspection of our property with the expectation of logging onto the Air BNB and Trip Advisor Accounts while there. Sounds simple enough; however, changing location and device raises some Red Flags on both sites. Our ability to login at that time had been hindered.

Yes, Welshtown Haven has an older management group and at times resistant to change or the adaptation of newer technologies. Our background being systems one would think otherwise. Also, due to our background, audit and control, the separation of function has also been ingrained upon us and to this end, at the time no SMS Text Messaging abilities had been entered into either Air BNB or Trip Advisor.

Now, the sad thing was, after our yearly managerial review of the property, a guest family was to arrive and use our property. We had no way of contacting them, to provide entry instructions. Thankfully, our Property Manager did step in and assist with the process. Our Guests enjoyed our property while they participated in the 2019 International Albacore Racing that took place in Shelburne Harbour, everything did unfold smoothly.

One would think that after a scare like that, that we'd resolve these technical difficulties? Nope, procrastination is rife within the managerial ranks of Welshtown Haven! You see, upon return from our on site managerial review, our lovely PC's were waiting for us. Up and running.... Nothing could go wrong at this point.... Right?

Well, between the last managerial visit and now, a number of things have unfolded for Welshtown Haven's management group and in context to this BLOG, that PC used for Air BNB & Trip Advisor, managed to experience technical difficulties. We'll not get into the true, deep, elaborated technical issues. In short, back a few months ago we be pooched (pooched is a technical term, trust me).

For the most part we've been able to procrastinate working through the difficulties of reestablishing access to Trip Advisor and Air BNB; however, at some point ya just gotta do it.

So, walking into this adventure a Cell Phone number capable of handling SMS Messaging was secured. Welshtown Haven already has a number of "Phone Numbers"; however, they are facilitated through "Magic Jack", each number costs us just under $50/Year. Magic Jack, while able to supply SMS Text Messaging in the US of A, is not able to handle the Canadian Marketplace. An Alternative but cheap provider was identified (Fongo) that for just under $40/Year is able to provide a "Cell Phone Number" capable of SMS Text Messaging and Voice Calls, across North America using a WiFI connection (not a SIM/Cell line). A new hand held device was secured for the task to host the Fongo application; as well as, a number of other communication needs Welshtown Haven anticipates utilizing while away from Head Offic.

With all the new technologies and accounts ready, both Trip Advisor and Air BNB were logged into for the first time in months. Some validation was needed and yes, an old personal cell phone did receive a Trip Advisor SMS Text message; however, Air BNB went smoother.

While the O/S on the current box may be different, much of the digital signature remains. I'm guessing both Trip Adviser and Air BNB were able to perform a Sniff test sufficient to validate.  

Next step (after completion of this BLOG) is to use our new hand held device to gain access to Trip Advisor and Air BNB. With the hand held device enabled, Welshtown Haven management group will be mobile!

This year, being as strange as it is with COVID-19 and the every changing landscape, Welshtown Haven has allowed the Work Crew to remain. We're very appreciative of their continued use. Management intends upon performing an Onsite, Managerial Review of the property; however, will be using other accommodations. All effort will be made to keep in contact with the world while performing this managerial review. We'll attempt to provide our "Weekly Blog"; as well as, hopefully provide some interesting updates like how that Fibre Optic Cable install is moving along or other strange and wonderful things.

Taking on the responsibility of a micro business is not for the faint of heart. We're pushing along as best as possible and we're trying to keep in the loop with what's happening with our host neighbourhood. If anyone near or far have any questions regarding Welshtown Haven, please feel free to contact us. If we're not able to provide solid answers, we'll make every attempt to point you in the right direction.

Please be safe and follow respective government mandates regarding COVID-19 and Travel.


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