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Fibre Optic Cable - High Speed Internet - Upper Clyde Rd.

May 29, 2019 - Fibre Optic - Municipality of the District of Shelburne
The Municipality of Shelburne Nova Scotia announced on its Facebook Page that Fibre Optic would be available to a host of new customers in the not so distant future.

2020/02/07 - While feeling blessed to have our All Season Weekly Rental Vacation House rented out this past winter, it has not been without mishap. Small things and mostly relating to the technology used for entertainment have happened. The current setup is a Cellular Data Router that provides blistering fast I-Net; however, it is costly. One discussion with our Property Manager garnered a response of: <<no need to go over it again, fibre opt is now available in welshtown and they are doing hook up now might be something you may want to look into>>. So, with this..... yet another adventure is initiated! 

2020/02/26 - Phoned Bell Aliant Office in Yarmouth inquiring about Fibre Optic hookup availability. They were unaware of anything but put our name on a list to contact when / if they found anything out. 

2020/02/29 - Received E-Mail from Bell Aliant, Yarmouth confirming discussion of the 26th.

2020/03/03 - Property Manager passed contact information that residents were using to "Get on the List". Due to Welshtown Haven being a corporate entity, Bell's sign up sheet is not available through this avenue. Welshtown Haven is required to phone Head Office and negotiate its own logistics on setup. A local contractor was also identified to perform in house running of Fibre Optic Cable.

2020/03/04 - Resource willing and capable of running Fibre Optic Cable within the house (5 minute job) responded and was ready to facilitate out needs. Problem is, the definition of our needs? With no contact with the Fibre Optic Cable crew installing the cable, no guidance was available to be given to our resource. Awesome working with a local resource; however, very upsetting not being able to utilize him in a timely way.

2020/04/02 - Contacted the "Business Executive Office, Customer Relations" (BEOCR) at Bell Canada. The individual at the other end of the e-mail, had assisted us in the past to rectify the Satellite TV billing and with luck would assist in working through our current set of problems.

2020/05/22 - 25 - A series of e-mails between Welshtown Haven and BEOCR. Things looked to be moving forward!

2020/06/01 - <<I will know end of this week a better time frame on when your location will be open for service and then we can coordinate the install with your inside wiring partner. >> Yes, a resource from Nova Scotia who was in charge of the install! A positive move forward type of things! Who could ask for anything more?

Time passes....

More Time passes...

We get to... today!

No further reply from our 2020/06/01 contact.

Well, earlier today Welshtown Haven sent an E-Mail to the CAO of the Municipality of Shelburne, the people actually paying for this Fibre Optic roll out. We also CC'ed BEOCR. 

Doing business in Toronto or Montreal is one thing, doing business in a rural community is a much different affair. When big business try to oversee a rural community project things tend to slip through the cracks a lot. The context of doing business is different.

In short order, Welshtown Haven was able to identify a local contractor who would be willing to do a small job. Why? How?.... We made some phone calls and the local community assisted in identifying a resource. Being on good terms with ones neighbours is VERY important in rural communities. Big Business and Project Timelines are a different animal.

One of our initial discussions on the phone with BEOCR, related to the anticipated timeline. Both sides understood and anticipated protracted unfolding of events. The process started for us in February. Contact with BEOCR started in April but only after a number of failed attempted phone discussions with a range of Bell Aliant Departments. We've shortened this story cause, we did not wish to draw this BLOG out to long.

It is now mid July and being able to have a definition of what a 5 minute job will entail is still unanswered.

I'm sure in the long run, Welshtown Haven Inc., will be offering Fibre Optic I-Net communications for its customers. We're highly motivated to make our customers' stay as comfortable as possible.

Due to COVID-19, things that typically have slow roll out times have become more difficult. I'm sure all parties are working to keep the timelines as on track as possible; however, they need to reach out and be a bit more communicative to those who are looking for direction.

Fingers crossed for a quick resolution to our Fibre Optic Cable hookup for Welshtown Haven. The next couple days should be interesting in that we now anticipate a reply from the Shelburne CAO on this issue; as well as, the BEOCR representative to stir things up on the Bell Canada side.

Yes, the Welshtown Haven management team knew what they were getting themselves into so, none of this is a real shocker to us. If you plan on doing such a venture, understand the dynamics you're getting yourself into. If you happen to be a traveller and the place you are staying at has some nifty stuff done, understand the difficulties the owners probably had, to provide whats there. 


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