Sawdust under an apple tree should decompose over the next couple years, adding nutrients to the tree as time passes.
Beyond the apple tree can be seen last years efforts a Hugelkultur. It so far has not been overly spectacular. The wood buried should act as a sponge during the rainy periods and provide moisture for plants growing atop; however, as of yet, there is no spectacular growth to report. In time things should work out. If we had of planted some shrubs to take root and erected a fence to stop the deer, things may have turned out better. The time was not available so, no finishing touches were done last year prior to leaving. Truth be known, two years ago, we did manage to plant some small gooseberry roots and thankfully they have taken and should thrive.
Our expectations are not to have a prestean landscape planted by professionals over a one week time fame. Building the landscape with a living adventure is going to take some time and the help of mother nature. Native species plus a bit more.
So, how did the management review go? All in all, on our part we've moved forward, it's everyone else messing things up. The fibre optic cable is still not in but our end has been taken care of. Our current tenants look to be happy; however, might be moving on sooner then expected.
It was decided to do a capital outlay and have a central vacuum installed. The pipe was put in place with the renovation so, all that remains is sourcing and installing a unit for use.
Our feedback from the property manager is that with unlimited internet through fibre optic, central vacuum and all the other modern amenities, Welshtown Haven is scoring kinda high. What caught our attention though was the water issues plaguing south shore. Many wells in the area are going dry ( a yearly issue ); however, Welshtown Haven is lucky in having a drilled well that taps into the local aquifer. Thankfully, we have never had to worry about water supply. A solid well and a new pump keeps the water flowing. For those using our home in the winter months, the oil fired water heater more then keeps up with demand and an endless hot shower can be had after a long day out in the winters cold.
Parties interested in renting our all season weekly rental vacation house should check us out on Air B&B or TripAdvisor. If our property becomes available and due to COVID-19, we'd be receptive to family returning to South Shore to visit relatives for an extended stay of a month or more. Yes, we would also be receptive to others. Keep a look at our availability on the sights. Feel free to contact our property manager directly.
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